
The star appeared, bright celestial guide;
Magi traversed, priests of Persia, Median kings.
Angel appears Angel of the Lord;
Glorious multitude from heaven sings.
Shepherds fall down, cower in fear.
Peace, goodwill, God’s message rings.
Let us go and see, what we have heard;
Into Bethlehem, do they leave the sheep?
This is like nothing we have ever known;
Do the angels stay, their herds to keep?
Keep wolves at bay, with lambs lie down?
Under clear black sky, starry deep.
Just as the voice of the Lord had said;
The shepherds found as they’d been told.
Babe in a trough of rough-hewn wood;
But swaddled tight against the cold.
Our Savior appeared in humble state;
Through the plan of God was made of old.

Merry Christmas friends! Take a cue from the Magi and the shepherds. Search for Him and He will be found by you. (Jeremiah 29:13)

Published by


Awestruck son of the Sovereign of the universe, from whom all rights and responsibilities of men derive.

11 thoughts on “Signs”

  1. Funny, I was just thinking about the sheep the other day. (Great minds think alike?) Did the shepherds just leave them? Or did one of them stay behind to watch them? I never thought about the angels’ helping out

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